120 Champs-Elysées Paris 1929
The CHERIGAN house was born in a pivotal period, an enchanted parenthesis during which Paris became the epicenter of the artistic world, the origin of a wave of liberation and creativity, of the explosion of perfume houses and their olfactory creations ever more sensual and daring.
And in this world, CHERIGAN has become the discreet VIP brand, creator of CHANCE , PARISIENNE and FLEURS DE TABAC among other great perfumes.
The myth was launched.

crazy years
In the exalted atmosphere of 1929, Maison Cherigan offers innovative creations, rich in this current of daring and chic that animates the capital. They perfume those who have made Montparnasse and Montmartre their playground.
Mixed with the singing measures of a trumpet, comes laughter, all the thrill of a generation.
"I discovered CHERIGAN in 2016 in the perfumery archives. By talking with collectors, bloggers, perfumers, by searching online auction sites, I was able to find legendary bottles from the house, for some in perfect condition. I entered a magical world made of creative freedom, olfactory pleasure, the search for perfection. TOBACCO FLOWERS, IMPERIAL BLUE, Petticoats and MASCARADES.
The latter was made in the Cristalleries de Nancy. It is undoubtedly a unique example intact with its pure gold enamelling.
A living testimony to the luxury of the 1930s, a bridge between the two modernities, 1920 and 2020."
Luc GABRIEL, founder

first steps
To the refined bottles of FLEURS DE TABAC, those of MASCARADES and CHANCE will be added, then

The scents ignite on burning skin with a thirst for the future, to the rhythm of the charleston. Elsewhere attracts, travel is intensifying, the world is opening up. In this Caribbean city, a place for wild parties, Cherigan will open its second brand, where an unscrupulous importer will try to appropriate the CHERIGAN name.

Very quickly, the brand experienced immense popularity, particularly among film stars, at the dawn of Broadway success. Then the brand gets lost in the twists and turns of commercial exploitation and falls into oblivion before being reawakened in 2021.
comme une évidence
Ici et là, nous pouvons lire des éloges émus d’amoureux du parfum qui en ont conservé ou retrouvé les flacons d'origine. Ils font de cette renaissance une évidence.
L’esprit de la Maison n’a jamais cessé de vibrer.
"Fleurs de Tabac is a paradigm of masterful blending"
Sorcery of Scent blog
D'un parfum à l'autre, d'une période à l'autre, CHERIGAN s'est permis de briser les codes en créant des flacons différents, en osant le format voyage, en mettant les miniatures en livre.
Une marque à part dont nous continuerons d'explorer toutes les facettes pour vous faire partager le bonheur de vivre la modernité des années Art Déco, empreintes de liberté et de soif de vivre.